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Samira & Kamran

I LOVE Josefina! Please allow me to explain why. The November before our wedding (before we met Josefina) I was in a month-long negotiations with Fairmont… I was about to settle with them until my wonderful finance (now husband) said: why do you want to settle, it’s our wedding day. So we gave up Fairmont Mayakoba who was booking up fast and by the grace of the universe found Josefina. We visited Cancun/Playa del Carmen in early December to check things out and before we arrived, I sent Josefina a link to a hotel I LOVED in Cabo ( and asked Josefina if she could find a similar hotel: beautiful, smaller, boutique style hotel with amazing service, well kept and delicious breakfast. Well guess what y’all, in a couple of days when we arrived the FIRST place she should us was our dream spot (… I’m getting emotional just thinking about it. It was EVERYTHING we wanted and some. It was the best destination wedding any of our friends (including ourselves) had ever been to. Josefina is so grounded and patience and understanding and helpful and wonderful. My only regret is not getting ready early enough in the day so I was rushing on my wedding day (story of my life) and I forgot my bouquet and didn’t walk down the aisle with it and my dress train was bustled. We didn’t have a bridal party to take care of that and it would have been nice for one of Josefina’s people to notice that, I don’t fault them for that. Just don’t do what I did. Other than that, best week of our lives. So fun. Makes me emotional just thinking about it and I didn’t even want a wedding! Oh and trust her recommendations.

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  • USA Line: 561-880-0046
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